Frequently Asked Questions
Family Dogs
Q) How much work does this entail on my end?
A) Dogs work best with plenty of short, successful sessions. If you can commit to three sessions a day that are only ten to fifteen minutes long, you will see a huge difference!
Q) How many sessions will it take to achieve my goals?
A) It depends! Consistency and repetition are key aspects of training. It also depends on what works for each individual dog. Some dogs pick things up really quickly, some take a bit longer to figure out what really works for them! Your trainer will keep an open and honest line of communication with you to provide an accurate estimate of the investment you’ll be making both financially and with your time.
Q) How long until I don’t have to use treats anymore?
A) I like to think of treats like a paycheck. I don’t expect my dogs to work without a paycheck, just like I wouldn’t expect you to work without one! Most dogs prefer food as a primary reinforcer, which means it is a very valuable tool to teach them what behavior we like from them. That being said, you do not have to use treats for every sit, every time, forever. We can fade treats, but we will always have them as a tool to support training.
Q) Do you guarantee results?
A) No. Training results are never guaranteed, because each dog and situation is different. There are too many variables at play to be able to guarantee a certain level of success.
Q) I’ve used different methods of training with other trainers in the past, why should I change that now?
A) No one can deny that other methods of training have and do work. We are not here to say they don’t. However, We do ask that if you train with us, you give our methods a good try. We focus on building a bond of mutual respect between you and your dog, and training in a way that is both clear and fair to the dog.
Service Dogs
Q) I want to take my dog with my on an airplane and to stores, but don’t actually require a service dog. Can you help me?
A) No! We only train service dogs for those with disabilities that require the mitigation a service dog can provide. To be a true service dog, they must be trained to perform tasks to mitigate their handler’s disability.
Q) What breeds do you train to be service dogs?
A) Suitability for service work is much more about temperament than it is about breed. We will evaluate each dog as an individual to determine if they have the temperament to be likely to succeed at service work. Now if you ask what we recommend, It would be a labrador retriever, golden retriever, or poodle due to the high success rate and drive to work and please their handler.
Q) What happens if my dog doesn’t make it as a service dog?
A) We will always be open and honest with communication throughout the training process. Unless something crazy happens, you will likely know in advance that something is concerning reguarding your dog’s future career. If we come to the conclusion that your dog should not continue it’s career, the next steps are up to you! Some people cannot afford to start over with a new puppy and an older dog in the house and opt to rehome, that is ok! Some choose to keep the dog as a pet, that is great too! Whatever is best for your situation. Service dogs require a specific temperament, and most dogs just don’t have it! That’s ok. They can live very fullfilling lives without working as a service dog.
Q) Can you train my older dog to be a service dog?
A) It depends. Remember, it takes around 2 years to complete service dog training, so if your dog is older, it may not be worth the training time and cost to only have 1-2 short years of a working career before retirement. Our preference is to start before the age of 2 at the latest.
Q) Can I purchase a fully trained service dog from you?
A) No, we do not keep dogs ready to go for purchase. We want each dog to be custom tailored to your needs! That being said, we can work with you to do long-term board and trains in order to acheive your goals
Q) What types of service dogs do you train?
A) Model Paws can help train hearing dogs, psychiatric service dogs, dogs for children and adults with autism, seizure response dogs, mobility dogs, and some forms of medical alert dogs.
Please note: Model Paws does NOT train for Seizure Alert, or Guide Dogs for the Blind at this time.
Board and Trains
Q) My trainer has a full time job, does that mean my dog will be locked in a crate all day?
A) No! We have an additional caretaker that lives in the home who is with the dogs all day while your trainer is at work. He is well versed in giving plenty of enrichment and love while always enforcing training and maintaining consistency throughout the day.
Q) Where will my dog sleep at night?
A) All board and train dogs sleep in a crate at least until well established with the resident dogs and until they are fully trusted. They will also be crated on the few occasions when no one is home for safety purposes. Because of this, only dogs who are at least started on crate training (with the exception of puppies) are welcome in our Board and Train program at this time. Crates are inside of our home with temperature controls and any comforts that your dog requires.
Q) What do I need to pack for my dog?
A) We have a lot of things to help your dog feel right at home with us! That being said, there are some things you will need to send. Food for the duration of their stay, a flat collar and nylon leash (no retractable leashes allowed), any equipment you use in the car and/or on walks. You are welcome to send along favorite toys, blankets, or beds as well, but we cannot guarantee that toys will not be ripped during play.
Q) Will I get any updates while my dog is with you?
A) Absolutely! You are trusting us with your furry family members, and we respect that 100%. You will get pictures, video clips, and texted updates throughout your dog’s stay. We do not guarantee daily pictures, but we are available to talk throughout the stay, and you will get regular updates!
Q) My dog needs to go to the vet for vaccines while they are with you. how do we handle that?
A) We can take your dog for you! We understand that the vaccination schedule is very important to growing pups, and would never want to jeopardize that. Just let us know what vet you go to, and what they need! We will get them there. All cost from the vet appointment will be reinbursed to the trainer by the owner.